I think "Purrsion" might have been what Nintendo was originally going for, but someone else probably has that trademark locked down.Oof, This makes a pretty good case for why original Persian was a sensible design choice, since maintaining the juvenile Meowth’s large head leaves it feeling a little off. Persian's name is of course based on the real-life Persian Cat - even if Persian actually doesn't look anything like a real Persian Cat. Origin: Not one of the more original Pokemon names. Offense Advantage: - Disadvantage: Rock, Ghostĭefense Advantage: Ghost Disadvantage: Fighting TM 39 - Swift TM 40 - Skull Bash TM 44 - Rest TM 50 - Substitute HM 04 - Strength TM 16 - Pay Day TM 20 - Rage TM 24 - Thunderbolt TM 25 - Thunder TM 31 - Mimic TM 32 - Double Team TM 34 - Bide TM 06 - Toxic TM 08 - Body Slam TM 09 - Take Down TM 10 - Double Edge TM 11 - Bubble Beam TM 12 - Water Gun TM 15 - Hyper Beam This Pokémon can learn the following HMs and TMs: It can take quite a while to beat a high-level Persian. A Fighting type should of course be your top choice, but as long as you stay away from Flying, Ground, Fire and Water Pokemon, any type should be safe. When you're going up against Persian, note that it can't learn certain attack types, such as Grass, Ground, Fire or Psychic attacks. It can take quite a while to beat a high-level Persian unless the attacking Pokemon has higher stats - so use status-altering techniques, like Sleep or Poison.

My advice is to teach your Persian a variety of different attack types so that your opponent doesn't know what to expect. Slash (which it learns at level 51) is a decent Normal attack, but it's nowhere near as powerful as moves like Thunder or Strength. Sadly, just like Meowth, this elegant cat doesn't learn many good attacks. Like Meowth, it's got high HP and Speed stats, making it difficult to knock out Persian with a Pokemon of the same level (unless it's faster and has equally high HP). Tips: Persian, Meowth's more powerful evolved state, can be a tough opponent. LV 17 - Pay Day LV 24 - Screech LV 37 - Fury Swipes LV 01 - Scratch LV 01 - Growl LV 12 - Bite This Pokémon naturally learns the following techniques: However, Meowth is only found in the Blue version - so Red and Yellow players will have to trade with their friends. Locations: Persian does not appear in the wild in any of the three games, but you can evolve one from a Meowth at level 28. The gem on its forehead glows on its own! It walks with all the grace and elegance of a proud queen.